Monday, March 30, 2009

Research Activity - Textures & Materials

Rosalie Gascoigne

Gascoigne is known for her artistic works depicting the Australian landscape. She depicts the Australian landscape through various media, both man made or which come about naturally. Gascoignes best-known works use faded, once-bright drinks crates; thinly-sliced yellow Schweppes boxes; ragged domestic items such as torn floral lino and patchy enamelware; vernacular building materials such as galvanised tin, corrugated iron and masonite; and fibrous, rosy cable reel ends. These objects represent, rather than accurately depict, elements of her world. The countryside's discards, no longer suggest themselves but evoke experiences, particularly of landscape. Rosalie finds her materials along the inner roads of Australia; she believes using older materials they themselves have a story to tell in the artwork as they have each had a unique journey to have ended up along the road only to be salvaged by Rosalie herself. She uses both man made and natural objects to portray a sense that we live hand in hand with our natural surroundings in one great artwork. The use of text to proves to be vital and a figure of great importance in her artwork allowing her to express he thoughts and desired opinions to her audience.

Tracey Moffat

Tracey Moffat first came to prominence in the Australian art world with her series Something More.In a sequence of nine images, Something More is a loose narrative in which the artist puns on the possible meanings of the title and its veiled references to sadomasochism. Moffatt's images seek to confuse and disturb meanings of cultural identification in the series Something More while questioning the authenticity of the presentation by reinforcing its own 'fake' construction. Her other artworks give a sense of sexuality, history, representation and race. She in my personal belief can be compared to "Thrill Bill" or formally known as "Bill Henson" who is known for his very bold photography in which he depicts his desired themes in which he means to discuss with his audience. Although the themes of the artwork vary she is cleverly photographs loud, dull, dark, sensual, photographs to speak to the public. Other artworks consist of an assembly of objects such as flowers and tin sardine cans, or even skulls, whatever her media is Tracey Moffat is sure to shot and inspire.

First Google Sketchup 7 Attempt

Youtube Video

I have chosen this clip as i believe we all are inspired and influenced by our surroundings, in more depth some one famous or some ones work and therefore interpret it in our language of thought and within our developed artwork we portray our unique way of thinking.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Rosalie Gascoigne

Down to the silver sea (1981-82)
Adjective - thick
Verb - travel
Noun - condition

Rosalie Gascoignes artwork consists of natural colors varying from brown, to grey, these colors found from either a natural or a man made object. There are pieces of timber each vary in condition, that she has found along the out backs road side which prove to be second - hand and which each piece has been on a different journey, each material has its unique story to tell.

Tracey Moffat

Adjective - natural
Verb - panic
Noun - relief

The artwork consist of three basic colors, black, grey and yellow. Artwork proves to be of a bad, hurtful situation in which residence have chosen to flee, maybe so as to forget the hurt and pains they have with stood or maybe due to the fact of what is to come. The artwork proves to be simple in colors and silient allowing us to capture our thoughts as to whats happening in this bold picture.
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Fiona Hall

The series‘Paradisus terrestris’(1989-1990),

Adjective - rhythm
Verb - confined
Noun - bold

Fiona Halls artwork proves to be small yet. We can come to this conclusion by the comparison of the overal size of the artwork to the sardine can featured. Fiona Hall used sardine cans for sacred or significant plants such as the temple flower. The artwork proves to be rigid, small, and leaves are thin which is a great contrast in the overal artwork. In my opinion it appears to be a silient artwork as not much is happening simply allowing us to view the contrast in the different shapes which can be produced and found in different objects.

An Original Photograph of Something Beautiful

A Great White shark is one of many great example of natures creations. I am intrigued and fascinated by its stream line design, its strength, its graceful torpedo like swimming and agility in the water. Although it may at first sight appear to be viscious a deeper understanding allows one to marvel, see and appreciate the beauty of a Great White Shark.

An Image of a Great Piece of Architecture

This building is entitled Falling Water, it is designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and is located at Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania in America.
This in my beliefs is one of the greatest pieces of architecture due to the facts that this building is designed and works as one with its surrounding environment, which consists of thick shrubs, trees water fall and a river bed. The views that the surrounding environment has to offer have been successfully captured with the design of the building. The building to is built upon and within rocks and appears to be as one with the environment.
The building was constructed in the late 30's, but yet appears to have been built recently due to the clever design and use of material making it a building which has not aged, but proves to stand modern through the ages.
Through this building the famous, Frank Lloyd Wright has achieved what all architects aim to achieve, a building which works with its surroundings,a non aging building and an architectural marvel.

Best Creative Artwork

This is a sketch that i drew last year at tafe so as to complete my diploma in Architectural Technology. We focused on the technique of shading, learning that by adjusting the pressure applied to a texta or pencil allows us to achieve the desired shade, applying minimal pressure produces a lighter shade, the application of heavy pressure produces a dark shade. The sketch was drawn on Canson paper which is a thicker paper so as to prevent wrinking and distortion in the paper due to the use of texta, to achieve the under coat of the vehicle. The more detailed shades of colors were achieved by the use of pencils. Although incomplete my teacher awarded me 9.5/10 as i showed my ability to achieve different shades through the use of different media.